Monday, February 27, 2012

Change of Plans

We didn't get pictures made this weekend.  The Princess got  her first ear infection.  So we stayed in and went to the doctor on Monday morning and started the antibiotics to clear up the infection.  Since she has been pretty healthy overall we will not complain that it took until 22 months to get her first ear infection.  She got to spend the day at home and watch Curious George dvd's and be my shadow all day.

Maybe next weekend.........

Friday, February 24, 2012


It's Friday!!!   After a warm and windy day the temperatures are supposed to be dropping again.  Well it IS winter......we can't have 75 degrees in February all the time, can we???????  So now to figure out what to do for the weekend.  Since Tiffany had pictures done with her Abuela and Abuelo, maybe we should do some as well.  Sounds like a good indoor project for a Saturday afternoon. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday means

that we survived the weekend.  That is always a good thing.  We did some visiting with family on Saturday and hung out at home avoiding the rain on Sunday.  Books, puzzles and naps on a cold wet and gloomy day. 

Tiffany is growing like a weed.  It is hard to believe she will be 2 in May.  That old saying of time flies when you are having fun is pretty much true.  She is a huge talker one she gets to know you.  Saturday she was pretending to be a chicken, flapping her wings and clucking.  She then ate chicken for dinner, lol.   

She is a blessing and I acknowledge that every single day.  I can't remember life BT  (before Tiffany).

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Time Flies....

When you have guests (GOOD) and when you are sick (not so good, lol).  Tiffany's abuela and abuelo came to visit in January and we had such a great time.  Then right after they left I got the virus, sinus infection and cold issues going at the same time.  Yay me.....

Everyone is almost totally well now and we have decided that spring can come anytime now even though it has been a mild winter.

I hope everyone is doing well and I am really going to try to do better with my posting.........